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Posted - October 23, 2019

Posted - October 15, 2019

Posted - September 17, 2019

Letter to Editor

(Letter published in The Telegram, St. John’s, NL, Saturday, July 27, 2019)

“The Other Coast” comic strip, The Telegram, St. John’s, July 22, 2019.

Public Notice - 

The RSACNL hosted a “Table” at the Diversity Fair, Sunday, September 22nd.  Marion Pardy, George Powell and Veeresh Gadag staffed the “Table” and spoke to people about poverty elimination in relation to the upcoming federal election and distributed related materials.  Jack Harris (NDP Candidate Seeking Election) visited and took time to chat with us.














  • To Advance Your Cause - A Respectful Response to the Poverty Reduction Task Force from the Religious Social Action Coalition






Posted - November 13, 2024

It was Happy Diwali, indeed, as the Hindu intergenerational community gathered, with their invited guests, to celebrate Festival of Lights, Saturday, November 2nd at the Hindu Temple, St. John’s, NL.  Joy reigned throughout the evening, demonstrated in personal greetings, vibrant, colourful clothing and in the energetic, creative dancing and drama from the very young, older children, teens and adults. The Premier, The Honourable Andrew Furey, Member of Parliament Joanne Thompson, and Councilor Jill Bruce brought greetings and heart-felt appreciation for the cultural gifts and contribution of the Hindu community, individually and collectively, to our city, province and country.  Charity is an essential aspect of Diwali; this year, financial gifts were presented to The Gathering Place and MUN Food Bank. The celebrative program concluded with flavourful food and lively conversation.  Jai Ragunathan, President of Hindu Temple, was our welcoming host throughout the evening;  Jai also is a RSAC Director.  Veeresh Gadag, RSAC Treasurer, was present also with his warm hospitality. 


Shown in the photos: Marion Pardy, Chair, RSAC; Jai Ragunathan, President, Hindu Temple; Member of Parliament, Joanne Thompson, St. John’s East; Hindu Temple Festival of Lights Entrance   


Posted - June 28, 2024

Posted - June 01, 2024

Lifetime Honourary Membership

Awarded to

George Powell

St. John’s and Area Council of Churches, AGM, June 1, 2024


The Religious Social Action Coalition congratulates George Powell on being awarded a Lifetime Honourary Membership by the St. John’s and Area Council of Churches at its Annual General Meeting, June 1, 2024.


In addition to his faithful and varied leadership within the Baptist Church (The Crossing Church, formerly, West End Baptist, St. John’s; Moderator, NL Association of Baptist Churches; Association of Baptist Churches of Atlantic Canada) and in The St. John’s and Area Council of Churches since its founding in 1998 (Member of Executive; President), the Citation, by Acting President Dr. Michael Collins, highlighted George’s membership and leadership in our Religious Social Action Coalition (RSAC), being a founding member in 2007, under the leadership of Arnold Bennett, Jewish Community Havura and Dr. Mahmoud Haddara, Muslim Association of NL. The Citation reads: He has been an active member of the RSAC since then, attending meetings, multi-faith events, meetings with government officials, individually and with the RSAC, advocating for poverty elimination in the province and country, always with a collegial approach and prayerful empathy for those in public office.


The Very Rev. Dr. Marion Pardy, herself a past recipient of Honourary Membership, St. John’s and Area Council of Churches, and Chair, RSAC, was invited to present the Certificate of Lifetime Honourary Membership to George. She was honoured to do so.


Posted - April 06, 2024

On Thursday evening, April 4th, 5 RSAC Directors attended Ramadan Tent for Iftar (breaking of the Fast), upon the kind invitation of the Muslim Association of NL (MANAL).  Attendees: Marion Pardy (Chair); Veeresh Gadag, Hindu Temple, Treasurer; George Powell, The Crossing Church, Director; Muhammad Nazir, MANAL, Secretary; Haseen Khan, MANAL, Director.  It was an edifying and enjoyable evening, and heartening to see several of our political representatives present.  In this photo are MP JoAnne Thompson; Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O’Leary, St. John’s; Marion Pardy, Chair, RSAC.  The photo actually was taken at a postponed International Women’s Day luncheon, Sheraton Hotel, April 5th; another opportunity for education, enjoyment and networking.


Posted - January 29, 2024

Four Religious Social Action Coalition (RSAC) Directors were kindly received on January 24, 2024 by Minister Paul Pike, Children, Seniors and Social Development, for a discussion on The All-Party Committee re Basic Income, and budget accommodation for key ingredients in the Poverty Reduction Plan (December 2023).  Earlier, on January 19th, Directors also were warmly received by Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance, Siobhan Coady for a pre-budget consultation.  Photo: Major Steven Barrett, Salvation Army; Dr. Steve Wolinetz (Vice Chair), Jewish Community Havura; Minister Paul Pike; Very Rev. Dr. Marion Pardy (Chair), The United Church of Canada; George Powell (Baptist – The Crossing Church).  The RSAC is also represented by members of the Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Anglican and Roman Catholic faith communities.


Posted - November 07, 2023

An Act to Develop a National Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income Bill S-233 – Committee Stage of the Bill (having passed 1st and 2nd reading). Meeting #73 – Senate of Canada, October 18th, 10:30 to 12:30 NL time.


Report from Marion Pardy

Posted - April 21, 2023

Multi-Faith Vigil April 15, 2:30 p.m., St. James United Church, St. John's

As most of you know, our multi-faith Vigil ‘happened’ this time, after being re-scheduled.  Thank you to all who participated and to you, George and Jasbir, for your attendance.


Sponsored By: St James and Gower Street United Churches and the Religious Social Action Coalition, NL.

Multi-faith Vigil of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs for a Guaranteed Livable Income, St. James United Church, St. John’s, NL, Saturday, April 15, 2:30 p.m.




Front Row:


Heather Matthews, representing MP Joanne Thompson

James Dinn, Leader, NDP, NL; Member of All-Party Committee, Basic Income

Aruna Ralhan, Hindu Temple

Sheilagh O’Leary, Deputy Mayor, City of St. John’s

Marion Pardy, Coordinator, Religious Social Action Coalition, NL; Provincial United Church Coordinator, NL

John Abbott, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development; Chair, All-Party Committee, Basic Income


Second Row:


James Ravenscroft, Lead Minister, St. James United Church

Pamela Jones-Fitzgerald, Lead Minister, Gower Street United Church

Haseen Khan, Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

Ramendra (Rami) Singh Wadhwa, Newfoundland Sikh Society


Absent: Steven Wolinetz, President, Jewish Community Havura



Posted - April 20, 2023

Multi-Faith Vigil, April 15, 2:30 p.m., St. James United Church, St. John's

As most of you know, our multi-faith Vigil ‘happened’ this time, after being re-scheduled.  Thank you to all who participated and to you, George and Jasbir, for your attendance.


Here are the particulars re the Multi-faith Vigil and the Attached Photo:

Sponsored By: St James and Gower Street United Churches and the Religious Social Action Coalition, NL.

Multi-faith Vigil of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs for a Guaranteed Livable Income, St. James United Church, St. John’s, NL, Saturday, April 15, 2:30 p.m.


Photo: (left to right) Jasbir Wadhwa; Rami Wadhwa, Newfoundland Sikh Society, St. John’s; Marion Pardy, Coordinator, Religious Social Action Coalition NL; Sheilagh O’Leary, Deputy Mayor, City of St. John’s; Aruna Ralhan, Hindu Temple


Multi Faith Vigil photos April 15 230 pm St James United Church St Johns.jpg

Posted - January 16, 2023

Posted - December 15, 2022

Posted - December 13, 2022

Posted - November 15, 2022

Posted - November 07, 2022

Posted - November 03, 2022

Posted - October 04, 2022

City Council of St. John’s Unanimously Passes Resolution for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income.


The Religious Social Action Coalition of NL expresses its gratitude and support to the City of St. John’s for its unanimous motion for a guaranteed livable basic income. The full Resolution is below.  In essence, the Resolution, in a letter to the Prime Minister, NL Members of Parliament, NL Senators and the Premier of NL, confirms council’s support for a guaranteed livable basic income.  It furthers calls upon our province to establish the all-party committee, as approved in November 2021, to thoroughly review the concept of a guaranteed livable basic income. Working collaboratively and cooperatively ‘for the common good’ for a guaranteed livable basic income, we can and do ‘make a difference’.


Marion Pardy, Coordinator, RSACNL

Posted - July 04, 2022

Please help us spread the word by sharing this campaign with your network:


1) We made a tool to easily Tweet this Basic Income plan to your MP.

2) You can share these Social Media Posts about this plan to your network.


We have included your message below for your reference.

— The UBI Works team


Most Canadians support Basic Income, but don't want to pay more taxes to fund it.

As your constituent, I'm emailing you to let you know that we can pay for it without taxing the vast majority of Canadians, while promoting productive investment and economic growth in Canada.

A new report by UBI Works shows how to pay for a Basic Income without costing most Canadians, with contributions from the financial sector ($15B), fewer tax breaks for large companies ($19B), and fewer subsidies used by the wealthiest ($18B).

This plan would have little to no impact on most Canadians and would lift 1.6 million families out of poverty, make life more affordable for 7.4 million people including workers, and build a floor to help all Canadians in times of transition – all while growing Canada's economy.

You can read their report here:

En français:

We can afford a Basic Income and most Canadians want it – it’s just a matter of political will.

Posted - July 04, 2022

Posted - June 21, 2022

Posted - June 21, 2022

Posted - April11, 2022

Posted - March 21, 2022

Posted - February 08, 2022

Letter to NL Senators from the Religious Social Action Coalition (RSAC) NL

Letter to NL Liberal Members of Parliament from the Religious Social Action Coalition (RSAC) NL 

Posted - January 19, 2022

Open letter from Senators re Canada Disability Benefit

Posted - December 30, 2021

It’s time for Ot­tawa to se­ri­ously study guar­an­teed ba­sic in­come


The Globe and Mail (Ontario Edition)

Dec 24, 2021

Posted - December 15, 2021

Senators Call for Federal Support of PEI - Guaranteed Livable Basic Income

Statement: Senators Call for Federal Support of PEI Guaranteed Livable Basic Income // Déclaration : Les sénateurs demandent l’appui du gouvernement fédéral pour la mise en œuvre d’un revenu minimum garanti à l’Île du Prince Édouard

Posted - May 31, 2021

Letter to the Premier - Dr. Andrew Furey May, 2021

Posted - May 31, 2021

“The Big Reset” (the Premier’s Economic Recovery Team report) - Re: Poverty - pages 26 -33 and 174 – 180

Posted - May 04, 2021



Cross Canada Participants’ Assembly, sponsored by Canadian Interfaith Association, February 17, 2021, 4 p.m. (Zoom). 


Marion Pardy, RSACNL was one of the presenters, together with:

Belle Jarmiewski, Past President, Manitoba Multi-Faith Council; Executive Director, Jewish Heritage Centre, Winnipeg –Moderator; Aruna Chatterjee, Multi-Faith Summit Council, British Columbia – Hindu Community

Rabbi Reuben Pouptko – la table interreligieuse de concertation au Quebec.

Participants from RSACNL: Rami Wadhwa; Haseen Khan; George Powell.

Posted - April 08, 2021

The@NLRSAC was pleased to participate in this event @UnitedChurchCda to light a candle in support of #guaranteedlivableincome #basicincome #GBLI #FairnessNL.

Posted - February 02, 2021

Posted - January 22, 2021

Posted - December 18, 2020


PM + Moderator Peter Noteboom.jpeg

Posted - September 23, 2020

Posted - October 23, 2019

Posted - October 23, 2019

Posted - October 15, 2019


Al Noor Mosque, St.  John’s, NL was the site of informed presentations, engaged conversations and generous hospitality on Saturday, October 12th as faith-based leaders, 7 electoral candidates of St. John’s East and St. John’s-Mount Pearl and some 80  people gathered to further their thoughts, questions and decision-making concerning faith-based social justice concerns and the upcoming election on October 21, 2019.  Sponsored by the Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANAL), Anglican East NL and the Religious Social Action Coalition (RSAC), Dr. Ayse Akintuck, Coordinator, welcomed all, introduced the program and guest speakers.  Naming the Al Noor Mosque as a safe environment for all, she requested respectful behaviour in all of our deliberations.  Everyone honoured this request.


After an address of welcome by Dr. Syed Mansoor Pirzada, President of MANAL, the Very Rev. Dr. Marion Pardy (Coordinator, RSAC), the Rev. David Burrows (Anglican Priest, Church of the Ascension and a RSAC Director), and Dr. Ayse Akintuck (MANAL) provided insightful information on the social justice concerns of poverty, refugees and Islamophobia, concluding with a related question to our electoral candidates (Nick Whalen, Liberal; Jack Harris, NDP; Joedy Wall, Conservative and David Peters, Green Party - St. John’s East;  Benjamin Ruckpaul, People’s Party;  Anne Marie Anonson, NDP and David Jones,  Christian Heritage Party - St. John’s South – Mount Pearl).  Each electoral candidate was assigned 5 minutes to respond to the posed questions.  A “question and answer” period followed for the audience and electoral candidates.  Related materials and the multi-faith “Golden Rule”, referred to as a core faith-based conviction, were distributed to each candidate and event participant – many expressed appreciation for the visual, enlightening “Golden Rule” poster.  The event ended with generous and taste-full refreshments, hosted by MANAL, which provided the opportunity for lively conversation among faith-based leaders, electoral candidates and participants.


The “event” photos provide visual images of the multi-faith nature of the event, together with the diversity and engagement of candidates and participants.  We express sincere appreciation to MANAL for their effective leadership and gracious hospitality for this Open House event.


Marion Pardy, Coordinator, RSAC

Posted - September 17, 2019

Letter to Editor

(Letter published in The Telegram, St. John’s, NL, Saturday, July 27, 2019)

“The Other Coast” comic strip, The Telegram, St. John’s, July 22, 2019.

Public Notice - 

The RSACNL hosted a “Table” at the Diversity Fair, Sunday, September 22nd.  Marion Pardy, George Powell and Veeresh Gadag staffed the “Table” and spoke to people about poverty elimination in relation to the upcoming federal election and distributed related materials.  Jack Harris (NDP Candidate Seeking Election) visited and took time to chat with us.

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Working to end poverty both at home and abroad!

© 2024 - Religious Social Action Coalition Newfoundland & Labrador

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