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Letter-Writing Made Easy -

a kit to support the concept of a Guaranteed Livable Income in Canada

This is a “how to” kit, to help you write your own letter to your MP, and cc. to the Prime Minister and Deputy PM, or copy to the leader of your MP’s party. We hope that every United Church member might contact their local MP before March 12. Letters that are personal and individual get more attention than those that are obvious cut-and-pastes, or “click here” petitions, so you are encouraged to use this kit and modify it to suit your style. This is a bit long, but we hope it makes the task easy for you. If you are a regular writer to your MP, just do it. This kit is just to get you started. But please do start!

--Lois Wilson and Ann McRae, revised for all parties, March 1, 2021.

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