For more than three decades, the gap between rich and poor in Canada has been growing. The Religious Social Action Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador is calling on Members of Parliament to stop widening the gap. We are not telling the politicians HOW to end the social injustice of poverty in a wealthy land. Coming up with specific policies is their job. We are only asking them to restore fairness to Canadian society. We invite you to join us in raising this challenge to social injustice.
Here's How:
We are printing POSTCARDS TO MPS that carry these words:
For nearly four decades, Canadian government policies have widened the gap between the very richest Canadians and the rest of us.
Stop widening the gap between rich and poor in Canada!
It's time to restore fairness to economic policies - and close the gap between rich and poor, just as Canada did for more than two decades after World War Two. -
We are looking for 100 houses of worship all across Canada to mail these cards - postage free, because they're addressed to Parliament - so that MPs will receive 25,000 cards in October - November.
If you want to take part, let us know. We'll ship you the number of cards you want at no cost to you.
Hand the cards to worshippers as they enter your house of worship.
Ask them to print the name of their MP on the card, as well as their own name and address. Tell them they may add a short message or prayer or blessing, if they'd like.
Collect the cards as people leave.
Mail them. Postage is free. And let us know how many you mailed.
PS - If worshipers want, they can address additional cards to Party Leaders.