My Story
Social Media 10 Month Report –
April 2021 – January 2022
Google Analytics Summary – Web Site
4001 Google Searches
2017 Sessions
1994 Users
1865 New Users
7144 Page Views
2.09 Pages per session
00:2:03 Avg. session duration
65.4% Bounce rate
Canada 1844 – USA 71 Other 79
NL: 1623 or 81.4%
NOTE: Numbers increased by 87.8% over previous year mostly to do with currency of information, continual updates, and election information.
Twitter Analytics Summary
Tweets (104)
Retweets – 50 Likes – 47
Profile Visits – 1745
Tweet Impressions – 5,511
Followers - 251
Link Clicks – 33
NOTE: Twitter was created in April, 2021 and doing very well with participation rates and continues to grow monthly at roughly a rate of 22% since April, 2021.
Facebook Analytics Summary
Posts - 152
Page Views – 906
New Page Like – 10
New Page Followers – 10
Reached – 4,010
Post Engagements – 20
NOTE: Facebook Traffic is slightly lower than it could be. Besides organic posts, I've been sharing like-minded organization's message such as End Homelessness St. John's and NL Health Accord to name a couple.
A 'Facebook Campaign' with a Paid Ad would really pick up the numbers as we are a new entity 'online' and not a lot of people and organizations know we are here. Suggest $100.00 to see where that brings us. The full $100.00 would go towards the campaign itself and would last a month.
We could also write our political members of all levels and each municipality to share with councilors. Ask them to follow us.
Ask each religious group of RSACNL the board represents to share in their bulletins and correspondence with their congregations.
Try and get media attention or during conferences tell others to visit our site. Spread the word as much as we all can.
Have an in-person meeting with all partners, political leaders, and other interested parties to discuss Ending Poverty Initiatives and promote via social media and email campaign. A 'Yearly' END POVERTY NL Day? #EndPovertyNL
NOTE: With approval of the Board, I'd like to create an Instagram Account to help reach more young people and assist in growing our profile in addition to Facebook, Twitter and the Web Site.
SUMMARY – I've been posting roughly 15 Posts per month on social media and continue to update the web site with ongoing pertinent articles realted to poverty in NL and Canada. I too continue to research information regarding statistics about poverty and homelessness in NL and Canada. Sharing like-minded articles and information from other resources to enhance the awareness and knowledge of Newfoundland and Labradorians is also a priority.
It is my opinion the web site being continuously updated as well as the ongoing social media tweets and posts are helping significantly raising the profile of the RSACNL. I do however think there is a lot of room to grow and believe an Instagram Account will further raise the profile of the organization. In addition, if we reached out to the various religious participants to share our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media accounts the organization could at least double it's participation and followers.
Over the past 10 months, I have averaged roughly 15 hours per month in online research, web site updates and social media posts. It works out to about $16.67 per hour based on my current contract.
Thank you,
Chris Herridge, Social Media and Web Site Coordinator
February 07, 2022
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.